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Frequently Asked Questions

​​​​​How do cemetery requirements effect choosing a monument ?​

​Every cemetery has its own set of rules and requirements as to what can or can not be placed on their property. The pimary reason for this is to establish and maintain an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere on their grounds. Since we install monuments in all of the local cemeteries we are very familiar with such requirements and can help guide you through the process. We will also research requirements of cemeteries we are not familiar with as part of our service to you.

Do you have samples I can view to get an understanding of different styles and colors to choose from ?

Yes, we have a showyard on site stocked with a variety of monuments and markers in different finishes and colors.

Do I need an appointment or can I just stop by your showyard ? 

​Appointments are not required during our normal business hours, however, are suggested for after hour appointments.

Does it cost extra for lettering and the addtion of graphics ?

No, standard lettering and grphics from our stock artwork libraries are included in the price of the monumnt.  Exceptions to this would be optional add-ons such as:

    - Additionl engraving on the back or sides of the monument

    - Ceramic Steel Photo Duotone Photo (engraving)

    - Multi Color Photo (engraving)

    - Diamond Etch Portrait Lettering

​How long does it take to receive a monument ?

Several factors effect delivery, monument type, availability of the stone, and revisions made to artworks.  Here in New England Gray Granite is readily available and normally takes a few weeks to be delivered.  However, it can take up to two months before we receive specialty stone from other non-local quarries.  We will provide this information up front and never mis represent delivery information.

Can my monument be installed in the Winter months when the ground is frozen ?

​Yes, if the foundation has been pre-installed before the frost sets in, otherwise you will need to wait for Spring to arrive.                                               

How do I know I will like the artwork I've chosen ?

​We work with you to create the memorial that you are satisfied with, even if that means showing you multiple design proofs to accomplish this.  We will never engrave anything on your monument without your written approval first.

Do you provide any type of warranty ?

We offer a lifetime warranty on all monuments sold and installed by us.


Gravestones, Monuments, Memorials and Markers

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